Maintenance Tips: How To Properly Clean Your Combi Oven

Almost every homeowner knows that cleaning their kitchen appliances is one of the many chores they must complete regularly. Your combi oven is no different than any other appliance, and by regularly cleaning it, you ensure it remains in tip-top condition. Below are some must-know maintenance tips on how to properly clean your combi oven.
Keep It on a Schedule
Depending on the types of food you cook in your combi oven, you may have to sanitize and wipe down the gasket after each use. This tip is specifically for those who cook a lot of poultry, as the fat could build up inside the oven. However, if you solely cook cakes or steam vegetables, most experts agree that you only have to do a detailed cleaning once or twice a year.
Tips for Cleaning the Oven
Knowing how to properly clean your combi oven keeps it in top condition, and you should always use the manufacturer's recommended cleaner. As you clean your combi, you should always use a soft cloth, as anything else could scratch the appliance. Additionally, you should:
- Remove the racks and anything else inside of the oven.
- Run a steam cycle to soften the grime.
- Wipe down the combi.
- Apply a recommended cleaning product.
- Wipe down the cleaner after the advised time.
- Run a steam cycle.
One important note to keep in mind is to avoid spraying the cleaning element at the top of the oven with your product. Also, note that daily and monthly maintenance tasks have a few differences; you don't have to do a heavy clean every day.
Daily Cleaning
After using your combi, it's always best to wipe it down. For a daily cleaning, use the recommended spray and wipe the oven down with your soft cloth. You should also clean the fan guard, fan, and glass door. As you do this, also ensure you remove any crumbs or drips from the chamber and gasket.
Monthly Maintenance
Experts recommend that you descale the steam generators monthly to prevent a buildup of various minerals or compounds. It's also a good idea to install a water treatment system on your combi oven since this helps further prevent a buildup.
What To Avoid
As you clean out your oven, it's important to remember that certain cleaning agents or materials could ruin it. For example, some people recommend using lemon juice to clean a combi oven, but if yours is stainless steel, this method could cause it to rust. Similarly, abrasive cleaners or products like steel wool may scratch the surface. When in doubt, always check the owner's manual to see what the manufacturer recommends.
Shop at ROBAM for a countertop combi oven for your home. Thanks to its compact design, this appliance can fit perfectly inside any kitchen while still big enough for all your kitchen needs. It's time to change up your cooking as you leap into the kitchen!